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Menu: Week of 10/13/19

There will be no CSA box run down this week because I am off to Japan for 12 days as of mid-week and will therefore not really be cooking this week, barring a few dinners and a bonus recipe to use up the hot peppers that still remain in my fridge from past CSA boxes.

Sunday, Monday and Tuesday before I depart will, foodie-centric though they sound, be fridge clean out meals, and I will be spending part of Sunday cooking some freezer meals for L. to microwave in my absence, though his G-ma is stepping up to the plate (thank you mommy) and taking over the feeding of the ravening beast that is his appetite.

I will be back my usual posting schedule on October 27th however,I will post recipes that I cook while away on the blog and photos of anything yummy that I eat on Instagram so tune in in my absence.

Sunday [“Raid” Meal; fridge, freezer and pantry item dinner]

Green Salad

Duck Shepherd’s Pie

Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]

Grated Carrot Salad

Roasted Cod Loin Filets with Fennel Seed Hollandaise

Mushy Peas

Tuesday [Pasta]

Antipasto Plate

Penne Alla Vodka

Wednesday [L.'s choice of an item I have made in the past]


Thursday [Fish]


Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner; something that is easy to assemble and easy to eat in front of a movie]



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