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Menu: Week of 11/03/19

Last week's menu contained a fair few repeat recipes, so posts were few and far between. Hopefully I made up for it with the bonus recipes. I'm not quite sure what came over me but I went on a bit of a cooking spree - maybe a recessive instinct from the era when cooking and canning in the summer and fall was what got people through the winter.

In any case I now have rendered duck fat in the fridge for gilding the lily in dishes yet to come, pint jars of duck stock for soup neatly lined up in the freezer, ditto for a big batch of tomato sauce and a big bottle of fragrant spicy vinegar to add some sunshine to my winter dishes (as well as a sense of creative accomplishment).

It is too bad for L. that I ran out of steam before I got to the brownies that I planned on making this week as well.

This Week's CSA box contained:

Herbs: none. I guess that we are in between outside herb planting season and greenhouse winter planting.

Greens: also none. See above.

Alliums: none. I admit to starting to panic as I unpacked the box because lack of vegetable variety due to the cold seemed unseasonably early. That being said, I do still have 6 assorted onions left from previous weekly boxes and 3 heads of garlic with which to work.

Vegetables: 2 gorgeous carnival squashes, enough poblano peppers to constitute a peck, a bunch of white kohlrabi, a bag of miniature garnet sweet potatoes, a large head of crisp Napa cabbage, a huge bag of Jerusalem artichokes the size of walnuts, a bunch of intriguing purple daikon radishes, the largest only the length of my hand, and a handful of baby Hakurei turnips whose leaves, unfortunately, were a bit past their prime and had to be removed and tossed rather than incorporated into the weekly menu.

Fruit: Sigh. Hail the upcoming cold months…I guess my local farm ran out of available apples this week.

Aside from the garnet sweet potatoes and Jerusalem artichokes which will hopefully keep for a bit and be made into something pre-Thanksgivingy or soup, the contents of this week's box (with the addition of salad greens galore) will be transformed into:

Sunday [“Raid” Meal; fridge, freezer and pantry item dinner]

Miso Glazed Red Daikon

Stir Fried Daikon Greens with Soy Sauce and Ginger

Steamed Rice

Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]


Tuesday [Pasta]

Kohlrabi Carpaccio with Tomatillo Dressing

Wednesday [L.'s choice of an item I have made in the past]

Green Salad

Spring Rolls 🔁

Thursday [Fish]


Friday [Vegetarian but not this week]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner; something that is easy to assemble and easy to eat in front of a movie]



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