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Menu: Week of 12/08/19

Between last week’s red cabbage, the Napa cabbage that I bought on Friday in order to make spring rolls, and the green cabbage in yesterday’s CSA box, I am rather swimming in the stuff. Thank goodness we mostly like it, and that it is surprisingly versatile. I will be adding it here and there, as well as making it the star of a few dishes (as I did with last week's Sweet and Sour Red Cabbage). Still, if one more of them comes into the house next week, I may break down and make sauerkraut or kimchi from scratch so as not to have to eat any more right away…

A few weeks ago I also bought Napa cabbage (again for spring rolls) and got an email from my mother mentioning that she was making gyoza from scratch and needed about half a cup of finely chopped cabbage. Since I obviously had some left from my spring roll making session, I sent L. over with some for her. The following week she needed a few tablespoons of something which I just happened to have received in my CSA box and another exchange took place.

She recently joked about shopping for veggies on my blog while checking out the weekly menu and light finally dawned on me. Last week I broke the cycle of her shopping only in bits and pieces and appeared at the movies with a bag for her containing a sweet potato so large it could have sunk the Titanic, one of the red cabbages and a couple of onions.

Hey mom, this week at least, let me know if you need carrots, onions, clémentines…or any of 2 kinds of cabbage.

This Week's CSA box contained:

Herbs: -

Greens: a beautiful bouquet of green chard leaves (see photo above)

Alliums: 3 gigantic sweet onions

Vegetables: a bunch each of Easter egg radishes, red beets and baby Hakurei turnips, a box of baby breakfast radishes, an orange butternut squash, a green cabbage, a mess of orange carrots and 2 huge Beauregard sweet potatoes

Fruit: 4 shiny, crisp Macoun apples

The contents of this week's box (with the addition of a crate of clémentines and 4 Meyer lemons that I could not resist at the market, as well as some form of salad green which will be acquired at some point mid-week, and some potatoes remaining from last week) will be transformed into a lot of Mittel European inspired comfort food in the form of:

Sunday [“Raid” Meal; fridge, freezer and pantry item dinner]


Monday [Wildcard; a more complex or fiddly dish than usual to test my culinary skills]


Tuesday [Pasta but this week soup]

Green Chard Salad with Tangy Yogurt Dressing and Roasted Sweet Potato "Croûtons"

Wednesday [L.'s choice of an item I have made in the past]

Grated Carrot Salad with Mustard Dressing

Thursday [Fish]

Beet and Apple Salad with a Horseradish-Cider Dressing

Friday [Vegetarianr but this week a dinne party]

Clam Dip with Tortilla Chips

Autumn Salad with Meyer Lemon Dressing

Pan Roasted Chicken Thighs with a Cabbage, Cider and Cream Sauce

Steamed Potatoes

Chocolate Pudding

Saturday [usually a "Picnic" Dinner; something that is easy to assemble and easy to eat in front of a movie]

Sunset Carrot Soup

Cheese Platter and French Bread


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