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Menu: Week of 05/12/19

While I enjoyed last week’s Rainbow Week theme – fun with creativity, a lot of veggie varieties and more vibrant images on the blog except when things did not go exactly as planned – L. was less enthusiastic (if not downright disapproving) and approached each evening meal with a mind firmly closed to all possibility that he might enjoy it, purely on principle. Admittedly, some days were more successful than others and on green day he put his foot down. We ordered pizza. Reviewing the menu, I have to admit that I can’t quite blame him…

This week we are back to our usual menu template and our globe-trotting dining ways.

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Cold Spinach “Oshitashi” with Bonito Flakes

Monday [Wildcard]

Stir Fried Asian Greens

Steamed Rice

Tuesday [Pasta]

Cucumber Salad with Peanut Dressing

Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Sausage, Shrimp and Okra Gumbo

Thursday [Fish]

Green Salad

Pastilla Spice Inspired Monkfish Pie

Friday [Vegetarian but Lucas wanted to make dinner and a friend is coming to dinner]

Cold Poached Shrimp a la L. (L.)

Black Truffle Phillie Cheese Steaks (by L.)

Crushed Potatoes with Truffle Salt (by L.)

Green Salad (really felt the civic duty to include this based on L.'s meal)

Dessert TBD

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Ro Jia Mo (Chinese Hamburgers)

Kitchen Sink Salad


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