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Menu: Week of 07/07/19

I didn't feel any of the sentiment expressed above last week and don't plan on it this week either, if my menu goes as expected. My CSA box offerings were both abundant and inspiring so I am actually looking forward to a lot of my various diet dinners. I am giving myself a bit of a "time out" with Wednesday's grilled chop, slightly guilt inducing, even though it will be a 4oz portion. Hopefully the gut friendly, probiotic rich sauerkraut-flax seed mustard that I plan on serving with it will gain me back some diet bonus points!

And I promise to soon stop talking about my diet as there is nothing more boring than that, and to simply continue to bring you good food that doesn't need to be labelled, calorie count notwithstanding. And, since it is hot in the kitchen these days, that will get you in and out of there with delicious food in no time.

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Monday [Wildcard]

Grilled Steak

Tuesday [Pasta]

Red Leaf Lettuce Salad with Rose Petal-Shallot Vinaigrette

Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Grilled Pork Chop with Sauerkraut-Flaxseed Mustard

Wilted Arrowhead Cabbage

Thursday [Fish]

Mixed Green Salad

Grilled Swordfish with Coriander, Basil and Roasted Cherry Tomato Salsa

Roasted Whole Kohlrabi with Pink Peppercorns and Feta

Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]


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