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Carnivore's Veggie Burger

Sometimes there is nothing like a burger. I don't eat huge amounts of cave man-y animal protein but occasionally nothing will do but red meat. This particular burger satisfies that craving but there are enough vegetables added so that I still feel that I am doing my good job as a mother in the nutition department.

Despite really enjoying this burger, I had a moment of anti-LA panic as soon as I was done. Oh dear God, is the place getting to me already? Could there be a regularly scheduled green juice or - oh horrors! - a wheatgrass shot in my future?

1 lb ground beef (NOT lean, 20% fat is best)

4 slices Swiss or Muenster cheese

4 good quality hamburger buns or better yet make your own

4 portobello mushrooms

1 pkg baby kale

1 Tbsp butter

1/3 c water

2 garlic cloves


Preheat the oven to 300⁰.

Melt the butter in a frying pan, along with 2 crushed cloves of garlic.

If the person dining with you is a Chef as Stubbie is, peel the mushrooms so as to avoid a discourse on lay-people cooking. If not, chuck the damn things in the pan and salt and pepper generously. Cook over low heat for about 5 minutes basting with the released mushroom juices and turning once half way through. If the pan gets dry, add some of the 1/3 c of water. After 5 minutes reserve the garlic and transfer the mushrooms to an ovenproof dish, peeled side down.

Return the garlic to the mushroom pan and add the kale and the remaining water. Cook down over low heat for an additional 5 mns. Salt and pepper.

Discard the garlic. Drain the kale well, pressing out all excess liquid with the back of a spoon and place a fourth of it on top of each mushroom. Return to the oven.

Put a slice of cheese on top of each kale-topped mushroom and place in the oven while you cook your burgers, either on the grill or in a pan according to your cooking taste. I personally vote for a crisp exterior and a medium-rare inside.

When the burgers are nearly done, add the hamburger buns to the oven until they are lightly toasted.

Assemble the burgers - bun, burger, mushroom - and add condiments and toppings of your choice. In my case this was ketchup, red onion, jalapeno and tomato.

Dig in. These are very large and very messy so only family and close friends need apply to partake and watch you eat yours. Make sure to set out extra napkins. Lots of extra napkins. Al fresco dining is even better.

(Original recipe, inspired by the "Forager's" Breakfast Sandwich recipe in Bon Appetit Magazine 9/14).

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