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Bonus Recipe: Easy Apple "Turnovers"

I really don't make dessert much for reasons that I have sufficiently rambled on about in this blog. L. went on strike the other day and was feeling sugar deprived and put upon by life so I cobbled this together from items that I had on hand. Of course, having just made a vat of apple sauce certainly helped but store-bought would work just fine. The first descriptive that comes to mind for this dessert should not be "gourmet dining" but rather "quick to assemble". That said, it certainly hit the spot.

Makes 6 (5 if you eat one spread with Nutella before your kid gets home from school)

1 sheet puff pastry, removed from freezer 10 minutes before needed

1 1/2 - 2 cups apple sauce

1/8 tsp vanilla

Pinch of salt

Dash of cinnamon

Preheat the oven to 400.

Unroll the puff pastry sheet and cut it into 6 pieces. I buy the best quality one that I can find in the frozen section of my grocery store and it comes with 2 sheets of pastry inside. (I always have some in the freezer as it comes in handy for lots of recipes such as Savory Palmiers or as a topping for Chicken Pot Pie.) Place the pieces a few inches apart on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Bake for 10 minutes. Flip each piece and cook until crisp, from 5-10 additional minutes. While the puff pastry is baking, doctor the applesauce with the vanilla, salt and cinnamon.

Remove from oven and allow to cool. The pieces will be flat on one side and slightly domed on the other.

Split each piece in half lengthwise; the inside will be hollow. Fill each flat part with about 1/3 cup of apple sauce, more if you feel that it would be a good thing. A bit of whipped cream or vanilla ice cream could be nice as well. L. requested rum raisin but we were out; I think that he may be on to something and will go with that next time.

Cover applesauce filled puff pastry with its domed lid and serve to your cross child. Make sure that s/he knows to eat over the plate and provide lots of napkins - this is a rather flaky and messy affair.


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