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Recipe: Daikon Radish Salad with Umeboshi Sauce

This looked strangely like sashimi on the plate which was a somehow a bit odd but, taste-wise, this was a delicious dish where everything came together perfectly - daikon crunch, tart umeboshi, astringent mint - and made for a really fresh and interesting starter salad since people are not used to seeing daikon in this incarnation. I will keep this salad in mind for the summer months as well, when a refreshing starter is often all you want before a BBQ or a cold poached fish dinner.


4 handfuls mixed greens (I bought a mix of baby greens with flower petals added for color)

1 cup whole mint leaves, removed from the stems

5 inch piece of large daikon root, peeled

1/3 cup basic vinaigrette made with rice wine vinegar and Dijon mustard

2 Tbsps umeboshi paste or 10 umeboshi plums, rehydrated in hot water and then pureed with a Tbsp of fresh water and 2 tsps of honey. If you don't have umeboshi on hand then use a Tbsp of pomegranite molasses or even just an equal mix of lime and orange juice (this won't taste the same obviously but will contribute the sweet and sour flavors that the umeboshi tang brings to the dressing).

In a large bowl, mix the vinaigrette and the umeboshi paste (or whatever you are using to contribute a sweet and sour element).

Using a mandoline, or the largest perforation on your box grater, slice the daikon as thinly as you possibly can. Place in the dressing for about 1/2 hour to soften and infuse with the umeboshi flavor. Remove to a separate bowl with a slotted spoon.

Add the greens and the mint to the dressing remaining in the bowl in which the daikon slices marinated. Toss well.

Place the dressed salad greens in your serving dish and top with the daikon. In the photo above I sprinkled the dish with a little shiso infused seaweed to make it look pretty. This contributed nothing to the dish so next time I plan on reserving about a tablespoon of the mint used in the salad, chopping it finely and sprinkling it on top.


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