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Recipe: "Coupe Colonel"

I am not a big dessert maker or eater. When I do, I tend to gravitate towards lemon desserts.

The "Coupe Colonel" is a good recipe to have in one's arsenal of tricks. This sundae can be found on the menu of pretty much every little bistro in France and I have appropriated it happily. It has many uses - for days when I have made a heavy dinner and a proper dessert would be too much or for when I want a sweet but don't want to make the effort of baking. The basic premise is very simple: basic lemon sorbet with a shot of vodka poured over the top.

I make a little bit more of an effort. I buy the best possible sorbet that I can; these days it is a delicious brand that sells its sorbet stuffed into lemon shells for an added visual fillip. I add lemon zest or candied lemon peel to the sorbet if I buy it in pint form. Rather than make the dessert myself, I put out bottles of good vodka, plain and flavored, as well as Limoncello and any other liqueur I have that goes well with lemon and let each person make his or her own grown up sundae. Campari looks pretty and its bitterness works well with the sweet sorbet.

Though completely non-traditional, you can also serve "add-ins" - candied ginger is nice as is chopped mint. Crushed lemon drops or lemon bitters can also be included. Some people like dark chocolate curls but I don't like chocolate with lemon so I abstain.

* Photo is a stock photo from Wix. Vodka having played a role in the dessert (which followed a dinner where good wines flowed in substantial quantities), I forgot to photograph my coupe.


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