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Recipe: Flatbreads with Dukkah

I like using whole wheat flour when making bread and I like making flatbreads because they are quick, especially the ones below which use baking soda rather than yeast, and go really well with soup. The recipe that inspired these was delicious as is but, since I wanted to use dukkah as a topping, substituting a nut oil for regular oil made sense to me.

Dukkah, for those of you who have not yet encountered it, is an Egyptian nut and spice blend. I happened to have bought some from my local spice shop but I have made it in the past, using this recipe as inspiration. It is also delicious sprinkled on roasted carrots or mixed into some plain yogurt and dolloped on grilled lamb. And it certainly works as a topping for these flatbreads.


Makes 6

1 cup whole wheat flour

1 tsp baking soda

1 tbsp walnut oil

1/2 cup yogurt

About 1/8 cup water

1/2 tsp salt

In a large bowl mix together the flour, baking soda and salt.

Add the oil and yogurt and mix well. If the mixture is too dry when you have done this, add a tablespoon of water at a time to make a smooth dough.

Cover with a wet towel and let the dough rest for about 20-30 minutes.

Form the dough into 6 equal balls. Place some flour on your work surface. Place the balls of dough on the board and flatten them with your palm until they are the same thickness. Mine tend to be oval in shape, if you wanted circular flatbreads then I would suggest putting a bit more effort into shaping them by rolling them out.

Heat a non-stick frying pan (with a cover) over medium-high heat. Once the pan is hot, brush the top of one of your flatbreads with some water. Place it wet side down in the pan and immediately cover with the lid. After 30 seconds remove the cover, flip it over and cook for an additional 30 seconds with no lid. Remove from the pan, put on a plate, drizzle with some walnut oil and sprinkle with dukkah.

Repeat the process 6 times making sure that, unlike me in the photo above, you keep a close eye on the flatbreads while cooking.

Recipe inspiration here

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