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Recipe: Bacon and Tomato Tarte Tatin

I had a glut of beautiful mini heirloom tomatoes, which made the tart very pretty and colorful but regular sized, red ones would work just as well. They would actually probably be less of a hassle to try to fit together into an aesthetically pleasing pattern than the small ones in various shapes and sizes were.

This is also one of those recipes where it is hard to note amounts and measurements as it really was a bit of a free for all invention. A template of sorts if written out below but please let loose and come up with your own creation!

1 sheet puff pastry

Enough tomatoes, halved, to fill your pie dish

Chopped basil to taste

Cheese (I used sheep's milk ricotta but mozzarella or your favorite cheese would work as well. Camembert could be nice.)

Bacon to taste (I like a lot, you might not want any)

Salt and white pepper

Preheat the oven to 300. Half your tomatoes and fit them, cut side down, into your pie dish. Cram them in as tghtly as you can because they will shrink down as they cook. Salt and pepper liberally and put in oven. My mini tomatoes took about 20 minutes to cook, regular sized ones will take much longer.

Cook your bacon - I blast it in the microwave for about 5 minutes - and break into small pieces. Chop your basil, Shred your cheese. Unroll your puff pastry sheet and cut into a large circle (they usually come in a rectancular form so I just lop off the corners and free form it. This is a rustic tart).

Remove the tomatoes from the oven and drain all of the excess juice from the pan. (I had a lot so I chilled it, mixed it with vodka and a few drops of hot sauce, poured it in an iced Martini glass and had a Clear Mary - couldn't be a bloody one because the juice was not red. It was delicious.)

Increase your oven temperature to the one recommended on the puff pastry package - usually 425 or 450.

Sprinkle the bacon over the tomatoes, add your cheese if you are using a melty one. Sheep's milk ricotta is delicate so I added it at the end but now would be the time for cheese if you are looking for a creamy, gooey texture.

Place your puff pastry gently over the tomato/bacon/cheese and lightly tuck in the edges. Cook according to puff pastry directions.

Remove from the oven, invert carefully onto a plate and sprinkle the chopped basil over the top before serving.

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