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Beet Salad with Cumin Vinaigrette

This is stand-bye for anyone who likes beets. The vinaigrette is poured on while the beets are still warm from the oven and the cumin in the vinaigrette intensifies the earthiness of the beets while the orange juice brightens the flavors.

3 whole beets, washed well and the ends cut off

1 Tbsp red wine vinegar

2 Tbsps walnut oil

1/2 tsp ground cumin

1 orange

salt to taste

Preheat oven to 375.

Wrap the beets in an aluminum foil package and bake for 45-60 minutes or until tender when pierced with a fork.

Allow to cool until you can handle the beets but they are still warm and remove the skin which should slide right off if you rub it. Cut each beet into eighths or thick coins, depending on your preference.

Mix the walnut oil, the vinegar and cumin together in a bowl and tip the beets into the dressing. Stir to distribute the dressing well and let marinate at room temperature for 30 minutes to an hour.

When ready to serve, grate the zest of the orange into the bowl and squeeze the juice in as well. Stir well, add salt to taste and serve.

This tastes good on its own or on a bed of hearty greens like arugula.

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