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Root Vegetable Nachos

This was, if I say so myself, an absolutely brilliant munchie.

This recipe came about because I wanted the cheesy goodness of nachos but couldn't quite bring myself to make proper ones which are, let's face it, too calorific and fat laden even for me. My version is obviously not particularly good for me but I felt that the inclusion of vegetables made it slightly more acceptable...And, luckily for me, these nachos actually were really quite delicious.

16 oz package of tortilla chips (I used multigrain as I thought they would stand up to the taste of the vegetables, and I was right)

2 cups Baked diced vegetables (I used parsnip, carrot, shallot and sweet potato as well as zucchini and red pepper) *

1 cup cannellini or kidney beans, roughly crushed

1/2 cup sour cream

1 cup grated melty cheese (I used Jalapeno Monterey Jack but cheddar would work as well)

Coriander hot sauce

Sliced fresh Jalapeno if so desired

Preheat oven to 350.

Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil.

Place the tortilla chips in a single layer over the top of the baking sheet. Sprinkle over the vegetables and the beans so that the vegetables are evenly dispersed over the chips.

Dot the sour cream evenly over the vegetables and shake hot sauce over the whole thing. Sprinkle the grated cheese over the surface.

Place in the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes until the cheese is completely melted.

Top with thin slices of jalapeno pepper if so desired and serve at once with lots of napkins.

I tried to make my dish look nicer and used a small dish and built the nachos up in layers which worked should you want to go that route. That being said, you probably wouldn't serve nachos to just anyone so the baking tray method seems to be the easiest way to make these.

* For the vegetables: use whatever combination you want, dice into uniform small dice, toss in olive oil (about 2 tsps), add 1/2 tsp cumin, salt and pepper liberally and bake for 20 minutes in a 425 oven. This can be made the day before to simplify matters if needed.

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