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Bonus Recipe: Spinach and Artichoke Dip Pizza

This is what you make when your child is hungry on a Saturday afternoon and both of you are too lazy to go out in the sphincter puckering cold for a snack run.

It turned out well and freezer, fridge and pantry came up trumps during this emergency. Thank goodness I keep a couple of balls of pizza dough in the freezer for times like this! You can double or triple your dough recipe the next time you make it and save portions for future use or you can ask your local pizza parlor to sell you a few next time you order pizza and stash them away.

This is a pizza for 2 people. Or one, if you are parent to an adolescent boy.

1 ball pizza dough

1 jar roasted artichoke hearts, drained

A few large handfuls washed baby spinach leaves

1/4 + 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese

1/4 cup sour cream

1/2 cup grated or roughly chopped cheese (whatever you have to hand; I used mozzarella)

2 tsps cornmeal

Preheat oven to 450. Line a baking tin with parchment paper. Sprinkle with the two teaspoons of cornmeal - this will keep the dough from sticking and add to the crunchiness of the crust.

Roll out your pizza dough to the thinness that you prefer. Transfer to the parchment lined baking dish.

Spread 1/4 cup of the sour cream over the surface of the dough and sprinkle with 1/4 of the Parmesan. Top with the baby spinach leaves and then dot with artichoke hearts. Evenly sprinkle your remaining Parmesan cheese over the top of all of this

Place in the oven for 7-12 minutes, depending on the thickness of your dough.

When the crust is golden brown around the edges, remove the pizza from the oven and sprinkle with the remaining 1/4 cup of Parmesan. Wait a few minutes before cutting and devouring so as not to burn the roof of your mouth.

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