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Thai Charred Squid

I read the inspiration recipe linked below and my mouth watered but, since I have green coconut curry paste ice cubes in my freezer and the ingredients are similar, decided not to go to the additional expense and effort but to bastardize yet another recipe.

Those of you seeking authenticity should click on and cook the link at the end of this post. Those of you who made my green coconut curry and have been wondering what to do with the leftover curry paste, here is an option. The rest of you who are reading this? It is really good and you are missing out. So, nanee nanee booboo. Not quite sure where that came from.

2 lbs cleaned squid

3 melted ice cubes of green coconut curry paste

1 Tablespoon roughly chopped mint

1/2 lime

Place the ice cubes in a large bowl. Allow to melt.

Toss in the tentacles. Score the squid by cutting the bodies as though you were going to cut them into rings but only cutting 3/4 of the way through so that they do not roll up during cooking. Add them to the bowl.

Mix well so that all the squid is coated in green coconut curry paste and place in fridge for an hour or so.

Preheat broiler to 500.

Line a baking tray with aluminum foil. Lightly brush with oil.

Remove the squid pieces from the marinade, roughly pat dry with a paper towel before placing on the baking tray in a single layer.

Place in the oven, directly under the broiler. Cook for 3 minutes, turn the tray around and cook for an additional 3 minutes. This should give all of the squid the opportunity of getting direct access to broiler heat and charring nicely.

After 6 minutes, taste a tiny piece and either remove from the oven or cook an additional minute or so more. Watch like a hawk while cooking squid as there is a margin of about one second between delicious and tender and rubber band's cousin.

When cooked and deliciously charred around the edges, remove from oven. Sprinkle with the chopped mint and a liberal squeeze of lime juice.

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