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Bonus Recipe: Chickpea Pancakes

I have made chickpea flatbreads in the past, with great success, so decided to make these this week - the inspiration recipe below made them sound rather interesting and fairly simple to make. I let my batter sit for more than 24 hours because I got side tracked and I think that the wait time probably did add to the flavor of the finished product. Just make them one morning while your coffee is brewing and then cook them up the next evening.

These went down a treat at 4 pm as the snack antidote to it being Monday and a school day. They would also make a good side dish for a vegetable stew, I think.

1 cup chickpea flour

1 1/4 cup water

1 tsp salt

Whisk ingredients together in a bowl. Set aside until needed.

To cook, put a bit of oil in a pan over medium heat. As soon as it is hot, spoon batter into the pan to form the size of pancakes that you would like. Cook until the surface is covered with bubbles and then flip, a couple of minutes a side.

The original recipe mentions serving them with ricotta and stewed greens but I served them plain and they worked just fine.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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