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This Week's Menu

Just a reminder that L. is off on Saturday for 3 weeks away so the content of this blog may suffer...It has been so long since I cooked only for myself that I really have no idea what I will come up with. The last time I cooked for one was when I was in my mid thirties and, quite frankly, I dined out so much in those days that dinner was either the contents of an aluminum foil swan, a pot of yogurt or a bodega salad bar medley. Stay tuned for how the home cooking situation evolves over August but, in the meantime, hope you enjoy this week. I am particularly interested in how the carrot ketchup will turn out.

Sunday [ Pantry + Freezer Meal]

Avocado and Purslane Salad with Grain Mustard Vinaigrette

Quinoa Pilaf

Monday [Wildcard]


Tuesday [Pasta]

Green Salad

Wednesday [Usually L.'s choice but, yet again and purely coincidentally on the third Wednesday in a row, guests for dinner]

Miso Eggplant Dip (an homage to Nasu No Dengaku) with Bagel Chips

Pan-Seared Brined Pork Loin Chops with Bourbon Cream Gravy

Baked and Buttered Fingerling Yams

Steamed Pencil Asparagus with Grilled Garlic Scapes

Thursday [Fish]


Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Cold Sesame Noodles Sprinkled with Vegetables and Empty Nest Syndrome

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