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Spaghetti with Summer Tomatoes and Anchovy Butter

You may be tempted to skip over this recipe because it doesn't look particularly exciting in the photo. Or you may decide to make it, and want to add capers and olives and Parmesan to what might seem like too simple a dish. In both cases, all I can say is: "please don't". There is an alchemy that takes place between tomato, butter and anchovy that really needs to be sampled (and the fact that this meal gets from stove to table in record time is also not a negligible attribute in its favor).

Spaghetti for 4 (portions are subjective so I am not giving exact measurements)

2 large, gloriously ripe summer tomatoes, roughly chopped, seeds and all

2-3 anchovy fillets per person depending on how much you like them

1 clove of garlic, peeled and crushed

4 Tbsps butter

Boil a pan of salted water and add the spaghetti as soon as it boils. Set your timer for 9 minutes.

While the the pasta cooks, prepare your sauce.

Add half the butter and the garlic clove to a large skillet and heat over medium heat until the butter has melted. Add the anchovies and, using the side of a spoon to mash them up, combine them well with the butter to form a smooth sauce.

Lower the heat and add the chopped tomatoes, their juice and seeds. Allow to cook, stirring from time to time until the timer goes off.

Turn the heat back up to medium and add 1/3 cup of the pasta water to the tomato sauce. Stir to combine and allow to reduce while you drain your pasta.

Add the pasta to the chopped tomato sauce and stir so that the sauce is spread throughout the pasta.

Add the remaining butter and stir until it is melted and coats the pasta.

Remove the garlic clove and portion into 4 bowls. Top with whatever pieces of tomato and juices remain in the pan.

I did not add salt because of the anchovies and the salt in the pasta matter but that is a matter of personal taste.

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