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This Week's Menu

Last week was not a successful week for me from a culinary point of view.

My salt rising bread didn't. In the night, L. ate the tofu intended for my caprese as a snack. My pasta was good but not the shape that I intended. The delicata squash velouté I had planned was a disaster. The eggplant dish didn't work. The capsicum-peach chutney that I pictured so clearly and deliciously in my mind was a textural nightmare. I burnt my hand rather badly by stupidly forgetting that a pan had been in a 425 degree oven rather than on top of the stove and grabbed the handle. Nothing tasted or acted how I wanted it to. This doesn't happen often but when it does I commit!

And none the less, here is another week of ambitious menu planning. We'll soon find out what works and what doesn't this time around...

Sunday [“Fridge Raid” Meal]

Burmese Style Noodles in Broth

Monday [Wildcard]

Green Salad

Chicken and Roasted Vegetable Curry “Naan Pot Pie”

Tuesday [Pasta and Close Friend to Dinner]

Rocamole with Chips

Caesar Salad

Lasagna Bombe

Sweet Corn Panna Cotta, Sunshine Raspberries

Tossed with Lime and Shimmering Sanding Sugar

Wednesday [L.'s choice]

Summer’s End Shrimp Boil

Thursday [Fish]

Mixed Salad

Baked Cod with Lemon

Scalloped Turnips with Caraway

Sautéed Sweet Potato Greens

Friday [Vegetarian]

Chilled Corn Soup Redux

Cheesy Herb Popovers

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Beef Fajitas, Salsa Verde

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