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Lasagna Bombe: A Cautionary Tale

L. made me watch a whole slew of Youtube videos over the weekend and, while I wasn't their usual target audience, one that transformed lasagna via a slightly elevated format caught my attention. They called it a 'dome", I felt that "bombe" was more evocative, even though the terminology is usually reserved for desserts.

Any lasagna recipe will probably do as long as you create distinct layers, which will look pretty when the lasagna is cut. The video with steps on what to do is linked here.

If you don't have a lasagna recipe of your own, I have a few to offer.

Rather than follow their recipe, because L. does not like lasagna with ricotta, the lasagna I made consisted of layers of creamy Parmesan Béchamel and homemade ragu sauce.

The cautionary tale portion of this post is as follows: you need lots of noodles for structural purposes, you should not build it as high as I did and, whatever you do, unlike me do not forget to oil the bowl. All of these unfortunate events conspired so that my bombe deflated as I winkled it out of its un-oiled mold as illustrated below. Sigh.

Still, a good idea if you get it right.

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