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This Week's Menu

Please note that I found the above slightly humorous and would never subject my carnivorous cats to the indignity of a vegan diet. Actually, if allowed, my cats would be as omnivorous as the rest of the household, at least if their presence in the kitchen and constant meowing when good food is being prepared is any indication!

L. requested Mac and Cheese this week so it is making an appearance, the Asian grocer at the local market had Indian bitter melon which I am eager to try having only ever had the Chinese one and I will be riffing on my beloved Szechaun chili oil by making a Japanese version with the traditional seven pepper mix instead. Other than that, Brussels sprout latkes could go either way and I guess I am ready for Thanksgiving since I am giving in to my stuffing craving and making my mom's sage and onion version this week, to be stuffed in a chicken instead.

Get cooking. I am.

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Green Bean and Artichoke Heart Salad with Caper-Cornichon Dressing

Brussels Sprout Latkes with Sour Cream and Red Pepper Sauce

Monday [Wildcard]

Green Salad with Soy Dressing

Braised Pork with Bitter Melon

Asian Steamed Rice

Tuesday [Pasta]

Shaved Fennel Salad with Lemon Dressing

Mac and Cheese

Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Mixed Greens with Four Minute Egg and Anchovy Dressing

Roast Chicken with Sage and Onion Stuffing

Baked Carrots with Mustard Cream

Thursday [Fish]

Green Salad

Crispy Skinned Coho Salmon Fillets with Shichimi Togarashi Oil

Mashed Potatoes

Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Green Salad

Beef and Veggie Pasties with Blue Cheese Short Crust

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