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This Week's Menu

I cannot think of a worse combo than the items above. The combinations below are a bit more to my liking! Stick around for the perfect sticky yet crispy wings, the simplest yet most delicious veal chops, my most traditional lasagna possible as per L.'s request and yet another take on branzino.

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Green Salad with Ponzu Dressing

Crispy Miso Chicken Wings

Scallion Pancakes

Monday [Wildcard]

Veal Loin Chops Beau Séjour

Wilted Arugula

Mashed Potatoes

Tuesday [Pasta]


Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Caesar Salad

Traditional Lasagna Bolognese

Thursday [Fish]

Branzini Fillets with Red Pepper and Fennel Relish

Sauteed Broccoli Rabe

Steamed Whole Wheat Ptitim

Friday [Vegetarian]


Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Mixed Salad

Croque “Messieurs”

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