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This Week's Menu

I recently got very tired of L. refusing to look at the menu I was about to post, yet having the temerity to complain when the food appeared in front of him. In advance of this week's menu planning, I handed him a sheet of paper. The premise being that, if he wrote down a week's worth of meals that he wanted to eat, I would cook them.

His menu is slightly more heavy on poultry and potatoes than I would like but a promise is a promise. Enjoy a 15-year old foodie's idea of a wonderful week of home cooked meals. Hopefully he won't notice that additional vegetables and salads have appeared here and there...

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Mixed Salad

Penne Carbonara with Chicken

Monday [Wildcard]

Asian Cucumber Salad

Peking Duck Inspired Roast Duckling

Scallion Pancakes

Tuesday [Pasta]


Wednesday [Often L.'s choice]

Pulled Pork, Homemade BBQ Sauce

Mac and Cheese Bites

Broccoli Rabe

Thursday [Fish]

Branzino with Caper-Lemon Sauce

Couscous with Beet Juice

Green Beans

Friday [Vegetarian]

Mesclun Green Salad

Baked Potato with Cheese, Sour Cream, Scallions and BACON

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

Green Salad with Ponzu Dressing

Miso Chicken Wings

Oven Roasted Green Bean Fries with Yuzu-Kosho Yogurt Dipping Sauce

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