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Oven Roasted Green Bean Fries with Yuzu-Kosho Yogurt Dipping Sauce

The easiest recipe in the world, a good way to get kids to eat veggies and a great alternative for fries. It is so simple that there really isn't a proper recipe either and you can use any kind of dipping sauce you want. Though you will be tempted to eat these straight out of the oven, don't. For some reason waiting ten minutes makes a huge difference and transforms simple beans into really sweet moreish treats.

To make, simply wash the beans, Dry them, spread them in one layer on a baking tray and bake in a 450 degree oven for 20-25 minutes, turning at the halfway mark. The end result will be crunchy and spotted with brown in places and tender and full of flavor in others.

Your favorite dipping sauce will do just fine. I mixed a container of plain full-fat yogurt with the juice of one lemon and half a teaspoon of Yuzu-Kosho. Full of flavor. As well as a side dish, this could work as a snack or a pre-dinner aperitif accompaniment.

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