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This Week's Menu

We are definitely hitting the bridge between autumn and winter food-wise. A little bit of this and a little bit of that...As you all know, Sunday is the day where I look in pantry, fridge and freezer to compose our dinner (an excellent way to clean out the fridge on a daily basis and keep an eye on pantry items that are getting low. Imagine my surprise, when I found an entire gorgeous Napa cabbage which I have no memory of buying. It appears in several incarnations this week...

Sunday [“Raid” Meal]

Dandelion Green Salad with Bacon and Gorgonzola

Pork Tenderloin with Caraway, Paprika and Garlic Oil

Buttered Cabbage

Monday [Wildcard]


Tuesday [Pasta]

Avocado Salad

Spaghetti and Meatballs

Wednesday [Often L.'s choice but not this week…]

Warm Baked Beet Salad with Red Pepper Coulis

Chicken Thighs à la Diable

Lacinato Kale and Barley Porridge

Thursday [Fish]

Green Salad

Branzini with Sorrel Chermoula

Potato-Cannellini Bean Purée

Friday [Vegetarian]

Fridge Raid Salad with Carrot and Ginger Dressing

Roasted Broccoli and Tofu with Creamy Miso Dressing

Asian Steamed White Rice

Saturday ["Picnic" Dinner]

“Gourmet” Croque Messieurs

Carrot Sticks and Kidney Bean Dip

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