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Fondant Turnips

I recently read a recipe for melting potatoes which sounded fabulous. When the recipe mentioned using potatoes that were good for mashing because they would make the centers of the melting potatoes nice and creamy, it occurred to me that turnips - which also make an excellent mash - would be a good substitute for the potatoes if I so wanted. And so they were.

This is not the prettiest of turnip side dishes but it sure is among the very tastiest. And, having now made my turnip version, I can't wait to make the original potato one.

2 lbs large turnips, peeled and cut into thick wedges (I got about 4 per turnip)

4 Tbsps melted butter


Preheat the oven to 500. Place a rack in the middle level of the oven.

In a large bowl, toss the turnip wedges in the melted butter. Salt well.

Place in one layer on a rimmed cookie tray or metal baking tin. Pour over any butter that may remain in the bowl.

Bake for 15 minutes. Turn over the wedges and bake for 15 minutes more. That is it.

The original recipe calls for a cup of stock and further cooking time at the end but, since turnips have a higher water content than potatoes and a shorter cooking time, that isn't necessary here. That being said, if you feel like the butter in the pan is going to burn, you can add a couple of tablespoons of water or vegetable stock to the pan.

I served these as a side dish for Cod with Fennel and Garlic Cream but think that they would be fabulous with a simple grilled pork chop or - quite frankly - as a component in a vegetarian meal.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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