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Bonus Recipe: Paletas in Their Infinite Variety...

Having really enjoyed Pineapple Paletas the other evening, and wanting to recoup my $8.00 investment in a silicone popsicle mold, I took a look in my fridge this afternoon to see if I had anything with which I could construct Paletas, Round 2.

I did, and ended up making 2 versions which L. and I sampled after dinner tonight. The first was a pureed combination of blueberries with lime juice and mint leaves, and the second was whole sour cherries from last night, the juice mixed with Greek yogurt and orange blossom water. Both varieties were a success, though the whole fruit and addition of yogurt to the second version probably made it rather inauthentic.

Considering the small cash investment to purchase a popsicle mold, the 5 minute time it takes to make paletas, and the infinite varieties that can be made, this dessert option looks as though it is about to become the gift that keeps on giving, even for adults.

The base recipe is simple: pureed fruit, sugar to taste and some citrus juice - amounts will depend on how sweet you like things, and the size of your popsicle molds. My base recipe seems to be 3 cups of fruit puree, 1/4 cup sugar and 1 1/2 tablespoons of fresh citrus juice.

I am now thinking ahead to mango, lime and cardamom, raspberry with lemon and ginger, blackberry with rose water, roasted plum with pickled ginger brine, banana with coconut, peach with a dash of Bourbon and some mint in the summertime, strawberry with black Pepper and Prosecco, maybe even avocado with shiso and lime....the possibilities seem endless.


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