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Bonus Recipe: Tofu Scramble (AKA Look Ma, No Eggs)

I had read about tofu scrambles before attempting one, but they all seemed to contain nutritional yeast, or granulated garlic - both things of which I am not particularly fond. For some reason the idea intrigued me, so I made my own for lunch today preparing to be cholesterol-friendly but completely underwhelmed. This was surprisingly tasty.

This recipe makes one generous wrap. I used lavash, but any tortilla or even toast would work just as well.

1/2 block extra firm tofu

1/2 shallot finely chopped

1/4 tsp turmeric

1 tsp olive oil

generous amount white pepper

Salt to taste

Grate the tofu on the largest size grater of a box grater. The secret is to press gently. If not, the tofu will fall apart into chunks rather than grating into shreds. The tofu will be on the wet side, which is exactly what you need so that it does not stick to the pan when you add it to the dish.

Heat the olive oil over medium heat and, as soon as it is shimmering, add the shallots and the turmeric. Stir to combine and then regularly until the shallot has softened.

Lower the heat. Add the grated tofu to the pan. Stir to combine and allow the tofu to heat through. Stir the mixture from time to time so that the tofu does not stick to the bottom of the pan.

As soon as the tofu is piping hot, remove from the heat. Add salt and white pepper, stir to combine and serve as you would scrambled eggs.

Edited 02/06 - I liked the tofu scramble enough to make it again for lunch. This time I added some Old Bay as well and it was equally, if not more, yummy than the original. Plus, as you can see, grated tofu fluffs up so -- with just half a block of tofu -- you feel that you are getting a substantial meal.


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