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Buttermilk Pancakes

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, here is an On the Menu first: I am posting an item without adapting the inspiration recipe AT ALL. I halved it but that is the extent of my changes.

I felt like buttemilk pancakes (which we had for dinner with lashings of maple syrup and oodles of brisket bacon), and I decided to try this particular recipe as the technique it described intrigued me. I couldn't see why it would make a difference to separate the eggs and add the whites at the end without beating them, but it did. Two stirs in the batter went from being a regular, slightly thick pancake batter to a silky smooth and velvety one.

End result: scrumptious, tangy and - very importantly - the fluffiest pancakes ever. Yum. Yum. Yum.

Inspiration recipe, here.


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