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Healthy Turmeric Spiced Salmon Fillets (AKA 3-Minute Salmon)

I will definitely be making this fish again - it took 3 minutes, was healthy, tasted good and was really beautiful to look at. When I make it next and I am not in the middle of "rainbow week" , I think that I will serve it with steamed spinach or broccoli rabe with a bit of garlic rather than with carrots. The tastes will work together better and the contrasting colors will be even prettier.

4 6-8 oz salmon fillets

1 tsp ground turmeric

Juice from 1 lemon

1 Tbsp fruity olive oil

Salt to taste

Prepare 4 pieces of parchment paper, each large enough to hold a piece of fish and crimp tightly around it when folded.

Place a piece of fish, skin down, on each piece of parchment paper. Sprinkle with 1/4 of the turmeric and some salt. Crimp the paper around the fish and fold down the edges to create a sealed package.

Microwave on high for about 3:00 to 4:00 minutes. My fish took exactly 3 minutes to be perfectly cooked through and still just slightly translucent in the center.

Open the packages carefully to avoid steam and lift the salmon out on a spatula. The skin should stay behind on the paper. If not, let sit for 30 seconds wrapped back up and the skin will peel away easily when you open the package away.

Place the salmon on top of whatever vegetable you are serving it with, spritz it with lemon juice and drizzle it with some of the oil. Update 07/19/19 - I used this dish as a base for a summery, spicy dish of this salmon with corn and coconut which was, as they say in the vernacular, to die for. I recommend making the updated version of this dish though it remains tasty in its own right.

This seems overly simple but is absolutely delicious.


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