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Mint-Mustard Sauce

This was lovely, and came together in under five minutes. It bears no relation to the sweet, minty sauce served with lamb; this is an astringent, tangy, mint sauce that made a simple salmon fillet come vibrantly to life. I imagine that this would taste delicious on green beans as well.

The inspiration recipe called for 3/4 cup of olive oil and used it once everything else had been mixed together to emulsify the sauce into a sort of mayonnaise consistency. I took the oil down to one tablespoon and blitzed everything at the same time. I am sure the other sauce is delicious, but I have absolutely no complaints about mine.

1/2 cup mint leaves

1 1/2 Tbsps Dijon mustard

1 1/2 Tbsps grain mustard

3 Tbsps white wine vinegar

1 Tbsp olive oil

Blitz in the blender until the mint is in tiny flecks. Serve.

As simple as that.

Inspiration recipe, here.


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