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Nobu's Miso Black Cod

Or it would have been a closer facsimile had I read the original recipe when writing my menu and realised that the fish was supposed to marinate in Nobu's miso mixture for four days prior to cooking...Since I swept into action 30 minutes before dinner, results were a bit different than the original, which I have actually sampled several times and really liked. Different, but still good. Less sugar and certainly a bit less labor intensive.

4 filets of black cod (or regular cod if the other proves difficult to locate)

3 Tbsps sake

3 Tbsps mirin

1/2 cup white miso

Preheat the oven to 350.

Place the fish filets, skin side down, on a foil lined, lightly oiled baking sheet.

Whisk the remaining three ingredients together to form a smooth paste and slather a quarter of the mixture over each piece of fish.

Place in the oven and bake for 8 minutes.

Move the baking sheet as close to the broiler as possible. Turn on the broiler and broil the fish for 2 minutes until slightly caramelized. Because the sauce is quite liquid, you will not get the burnished result of a proper Nobu style piece of cod. Should you wish to get a result that more closely ressembles that visually, you can wipe off excess miso sauce before the broiler step. That being said, because the fish will not have marinated as per the original recipe, you will lose out on flavor by doing so.

Original recipe, here.


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