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Pineapple Paletas

Boy, oh boy, were these good. So fresh tasting. And fruity.

If you plan on disregarding this post because you think that a popsicle by any other name is still a popsicle, then you are wrong. This is no run of the mill frozen stick o' fruit water, this recipe delivers full-on fruit flavor.

Because I served these as part of a Mexican food themed dinner party, I served them with some tequila for dipping and some tajin spice in honor off all the fresh fruit sellers in LA from whom I would occasionally buy pineapple cubes or mango spears and who would tip some into my plastic baggie of fruit spears before handing it over.

These are excellent on their own and I will be making variations from now on for healthy snacks for L.

Makes 6 paletas with a quarter glass of pureed pineapple mix left for the cook to drink.

1 ripe pineapple, peeled, cored, and cut into pieces (made a tiny bit more than 3 cups of puree)

1/4 cup granulated sugar

1 1/2 Tbsps fresh lime juice

Place the lime juice and sugar in a blender.

Start the blender and feed the pineapple pieces in, a few at a time, until all of the pineapple pieces have been added to the blender and you have a completely smooth puree.

Taste the mixture and add more sugar or lime juice if necessary to adjust seasoning.

Pour the mixture into popsicle molds and freeze for at least 6 hours before unmolding and enjoying.

You could also make a variation on this by adding about a cup of full fat coconut milk to the mixture and decreasing the lime juice to a tablespoon. This variation would make closer to 8 paletas.


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