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Whole Steamed Sea Bream with Ginger, Scallion and Kaffir Lime Leaves

This is one of the simplest ways to cook fish that I know, and yet one of the ways that most impresses guests. I think it is because cooking a whole fish scares people because they aren't quite sure how to gauge cooking time but, once you have figured out that eleven minutes per inch of fish thickness typically works, this take some of the pressure off...

This is a recipe for 2 people as opposed to my usual 4.

1 2 lb sea bream or other fresh fish (this was about 2 inches in thickness)

3 kaffir lime leaves

1 Tbsp finely chopped ginger

1 Tbsp finely chopped scallion

1 Tbsp vegetable oil

1 tsp soy sauce


Prepare a steamer - set a pan over water and line the steamer with a parchment paper circle or, as I did below, with greens.

Sprinkle the inside of the fish with salt and insert 2 kaffir lime leaves. Place the fish in the steamer (you may have to curl it slightly to have it fit) and top with the remaining lime leaf.

Steam for 22 minutes. Check doneness by inserting the point of a knife next to the bone. If the fish is done, the knife point will slide right in.

Just before the fish is done, heat the oil, ginger and scallion over very low heat in a small saucepan.

Fillet the fish and pour the bubbling hot and fragrant oil over the top of the dish. Make sure that you scoop up the ginger and scallion and add that as garnish, before drizzling with some of the soy sauce.

Delicious over rice. So delicious that your child will pick over the carcass after dinner as illustrated below.


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