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Yogurt-Horseradish Sauce

This is a sauce that will take you 30 seconds to assemble and which works perfectly with crispy skinned fish like the arctic char in the photo, or with cold poached salmon, or even with cold chicken. Its tanginess and slight horseradish pucker give items whose charm lie in their inherent blandness a boost.

This makes about 1/2 cup of sauce, all that you will need for 4 portions of fish or chicken.

1/2 cup full fat Greek yogurt

1 Tbsp prepared horseradish

1 Tbsp chopped herbs (I used carrot greens but Italian parsley or tarragon would work well here)

2 tsps rice wine vinegar

Whisk all of the ingredients together to form a sauce. Let sit for 15 minutes to allow the sauce to thicken and the flavors to marry before serving as suggested above.


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