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Kimchi Omelette with Sriracha Syrup

I ordered too much kale about 10 days ago and decided that, rather than overdose on it or waste it, I would make Kimchi (or something fermented resembling Kimchi) out of it. It was a simple (yet smelly) process and I quite like the final result though Stubbie says there is too much garlic in my version. To each his own, I guess. Which sums up our divorce as well I suppose...

The problem with making Kimchi out of too much kale is that you end up with too much Kimchi. You have a longer time frame in which to use it but the problem remains the same hence my trolling the internet for ideas. This one, though not pretty when I was done, is something that I would make again - if only for the sauce for which I can see all kinds of future uses.

This is for a 2 egg omelette for 1 person.

2 eggs

1/2 cup Kimchi (store-bought is fine)

1-2 Tbsps Sriracha

1/2 cup rice wine vinegar

1 tsp fish sauce (optional)

1/3 cup sugar

1 tsp butter

In a saucepan, over medium heat, mix the water and sugar. Bring to a boil and cook until the syrup formed is a light brown caramel color. The original recipe below just calls for the cook to make a simple syrup with the water and sugar but I thought a light caramel would add more depth of flavor.

Allow the syrup to cool and add the fish sauce (if using) for further depth of flavor and the Sriracha. Start with a tablespoon and work your way up until you have the syrup at the Scoville level that you like. Put in a container and please email me any uses for it you come up with. I am thinking of it on cream cheese with crackers, on poached fish, as the base for an Asian themed salad, etc.

Heat the Kimchi in the pan in which you made the Sriracha syrup; it will absorb any that remains.

Beat the 2 eggs gently with 1 teaspoon of water. Heat the butter in a large frying pan and, once the butter is sizzling, add the eggs all at once. Cook without moving for about 30 seconds, spoon the Kimchi onto half of the eggs and fold the other half up over the Kimchi. Loosen with a spatula and slide onto a plate. Drizzle with the syrup and serve at once.

Recipe inspiration, here.

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