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Roasted Romaine Wedges with Feta, Sun Dried Tomatoes and Capers

This is another dish that you can modify according to what you have in your fridge - anchovies would work, as would Parmesan, or walnuts, pickles, blue cheese; you name it. I have left the recipe below very vague; just look in your fridge and pantry and use what you have. I happened to have feta that I wanted to use up which led me to add capers and sun-dried tomatoes towards my trinity of toppings.

Grilled romaine might seem a bit odd but it gets a bit crispy around the edges and the slight char adds a little oomph to what would otherwise be a bit of a boring salad, to be honest.

Preheat oven to 425.

Cut 3 romaine hearts in half lengthwise and lay, cut side down on a baking tray. Brush with oil.

Place in oven and bake for 15 minutes, turning from time to time until the edges are crispy and the romaine is a bit charred.

Remove from oven. Place on your serving dish, add about 1/4 cup of your favorite vinaigrette and the toppings of your choice.

Inspiration recipe, here.

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