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Bonus Recipe: Blackberry-Basil Lemonade

I like most variations of lemonade and this one, as well as being very pretty, is a true thirst quencher for summertime; a glass always kept strategically within reach of the hammock, as illustrated above...Pretty in hue, this is delicious in tartness and lemony goodness, with back notes of basil and summer berries. An added bonus is that this is drinkable as is throughout the day but also at cocktail time, with the addition of citrus vodka. Yeehaw.

And, of course, you can leave out both the blackberries and the basil and make good old, plain lemonade with this recipe as well. Or limeade, in which case 12 limes ought to do it!

3 cups water

5-6 organic, unwashed lemons (more if needed to make up a cup of juice)

3/4 cup sugar

1 pint blackberries

1/4 cup basil leaves

Lemon sparkling water or soda water

Zest 2 of the lemons and place the zest in a saucepan along with 1 cup of the water, the sugar and the basil leaves. Bring to a boil.

As soon as the sugar has dissolved and the water boiled, remove from the heat and add the blackberries. Set aside for 5 minutes while you juice all of the lemons; you are aiming for 1 cup of juice.

Strain the basil/blackberry liquid into a pitcher, pressing down on the fruit to extract as much flavor as possible. Discard the basil and the remaining blackberry solids. You should end up with a fragrant, clear, beautifully purple liquid.

Add the remaining water and the lemon juice and place in the fridge to chill.

Though this can be drunk as is over ice, I prefer to generously add ice to a glass and fill it 3/4 of the way up with the blackberry lemonade. I then top it up with soda water or sparkling water just to add some festive bubbles.

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