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Red Wine Poached Figs with a Salad of Bitter Greens and a Walnut Oil Dressing

Not my best photo of a rather pretty little dish one which would be, I suspect, rather more suited to a cheese course than served as an appetizer. It was a nice balance of sweet and tart and the last minute addition of Gorgonzola under the figs was an inspired idea of L.'s and what led me to think of cheese courses.

6 figs, halved and stems removed

1/2 cup dry red wine

1 orange

1 Tbsp brown sugar

1 cinnamon stick

1/3 cup of crumbled Gorgonzola

4 large handfuls of baby bitter greens or mesclun

1 Tbsp grain mustard

2 tsps red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp walnut oil

Cut 3 large strips of zest from the orange and juice it.

Put the red wine, brown sugar, cinnamon, orange juice and orange peel in a saucepan and bring to a boil over medium heat.

As soon as the liquid boils and the sugar is melted, add the figs, cut side down.

Cook for 2 minutes then turn off the heat and allow the figs to cool in the red wine. This can be made the day before and marinated in the fridge overnight.

Mix the mustard, red wine vinegar, walnut oil and 1 Tbsp of the fig poaching liquid together. Add 2 of the figs and blitz very well. Taste and add salt, vinegar or oil according to taste.

Use this dressing to toss the greens. Place a quarter on each plate and top the greens with a quarter of the Gorgonzola and 2 fig halves.

Drizzle with both the remaining fig poaching liquid and any dressing left in the bowl used to dress the greens.

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