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Baby Watercress Salad with Apple, Walnuts and Gorgonzola

I used to make this as a special treat for my sister, with crushed hazelnuts instead of walnuts. Back in the day it was a true act of sisterly love because removing all of the tender leaves from the watercress stems was quite a labor intensive activity if one was to get enough velvety leaves to make a proper salad. Today, with baby watercress readily available, this is an easy-peasy salad to get to the table (though the original does still taste better texturally). Still, a nice appetizer salad for autumn.

4 cups baby watercress or leaves from picked over watercress

2 crisp, red, organic apples

1 cup crumbled blue cheese

1/3 cup crushed walnuts (or hazelnuts)

1 1/2 Tbsps red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp olive oil


Add the red wine vinegar and oil to your salad bowl and whisk along with a bit of salt to make a dressing.

Grate the apples, peel and flesh, into the bowl.

Add the watercress to the bowl and toss well with the grated apple and dressing. Add the crumbled blue cheese and toss gently to distribute throughout the salad without turning the cheese crumbles to paste.

Portion out onto 4 salad plates and garnish with a quarter of the crushed nuts.


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