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Bonus Recipe: Pique (Habanero Vinegar)

I had a friend in college from Puerto Rico, whose mother always had a bottle of this on the kitchen table to be happily dribbled over anything that required a little heat, or required a boost of acidity. I hadn't thought of it for years, until I ended up with an overflow of habanero peppers and it came back to me. Having decided to make a bottle of my own, I did some recipe research for proportion purposes, but omitted carrots and onion from my version of the inspiration recipe as I don't remember my friend's mother using them and I really liked her version of this. She did use rum but I substituted Bourbon since I had an open bottle.

Play around with the recipe and make it your own the next time you have habanero peppers to hand or, like me, a mixture of habanero and red jalapenos (specifically 5 to 1). You will be glad of this in the winter when it will serve as a little bottle of sunshine in your pantry.

5 habanero peppers

1 red jalapeno (optional)

4 cloves garlic, peeled

1 thumb-sized piece of ginger, split in 2 lengthwise

1 tsp Bourbon

2 cups distilled vinegar

Heat the vinegar until it comes to a rolling boil.

While it comes to a boil, place all of the other ingredients in a mason jar or bottle with a large mouth. Cut a rough incision in each habanero first to enhance flavor.

Pour the hot vinegar over the peppers, garlic and ginger. Set aside on a counter to cool before adding the Bourbon; stir to combine.

Once cool, place in the fridge and use as desired; top up with vinegar as you use it.

Tastes great as a hot sauce, as an element in vinaigrettes and brines, and as a pick me up for braised greens or steamed fish. Also, if college memory serves, excellent on fried chicken.

Inspiration recipe, here.


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