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Duck Ramen

This is delicious; the perfect recipe and dinner for an autumn or winter weekend day when you feel like cooking a lot. I stopped short of making the noodles from scratch because I had excellent ones from Japan to hand (and you can also buy good ones in the frozen section of Asian supermarkets).

Because I was so pleased with my duck stock I went in the general direction of a shio (plain salt) ramen rather than my usual miso based soup in order to really let the broth shine. I added thinly sliced scallion, cabbage wilted and tossed in soy, shiitake and bean sprouts stir fried in duck fat, and the chopped up duck from the duck carcass with which I made the stock. I meant to add an onsen egg but messed that up in spectacular fashion.

Should anyone want my recipe, please email me and I will write all of the convoluted steps out. Please note that I based what I made on this recipe, which made sense to me.


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