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Salt and Vinegar Oven Chips

I have made many variations of oven chips over the years as L. and I both enjoy French fries but I am not a big fan of home frying, not for health reasons, but because I am a huge scaredy cat around vats of boiling oil.

Having perfected my oven fry technique so that I now end up with crispy fries that taste the way that they should even though they have been baked, I recently cast my mind to alternative versions of my base recipe. Since L. and I enjoy the occasional salt and vinegar potato chip, this seemed (and was) a good idea.

4 Russet potatoes, well scrubbed and cut lengthwise into fries. Peel them if you prefer to eat them that way. I can't be bothered and they do hold together better that way.

1 1/2 cups cider vinegar

2 + 2 Tbsps vegetable oil


Place the fries in a saucepan. Pour over the vinegar. Set aside for 30 minutes, redistributing the bottom potatoes to the top to ensure that all fries get a vinegar bath, after 15 minutes.

When the half hour is over, add enough water to the potatoes and vinegar in the pan to just cover the potatoes. Salt well, put the saucepan on the stove over medium heat. Once the liquid has come to a boil, set a timer for 3 minutes.

As soon as the timer rings, drain the potatoes and, using tongs, place them one by one in one layer on a kitchen towel. Cover with another clean kitchen towel.

Turn the oven to 425.

Line 2 baking trays well with aluminum foil and measure in 1 tablespoon of the oil into each tray. Immediately place in the oven for the oil to heat while the oven preheats.

Using paper towels, blot each fry to ensure that you remove as much liquid as possible and that the fries are dry.

When the oven is preheated, carefully remove the baking trays with the now hot oil from the oven. Add half of the potatoes to each tray, keeping the fries in one layer and -- if possible -- not touching. Drizzle the top of the potatoes in each tray with a tablespoon each of the remaining oil and place back in the oven.

Bake for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven and flip the fries over in the pan. Return the fries to the oven and cook for an additional 15 minutes.

At this point check for doneness and crispiness. Cook for an additional 5 to 10 minutes if you want your fries a bit crispier.

Remove from the oven and place the fries on a paper towel lined dish to remove any excess oil.

Salt generously and enjoy.


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