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Warm Delicata Squash Salad with Roasted Shallots and an Italian Parsley Dressing

A pretty autumn starter, and a surprisingly filling lunch the next day. This would have tasted just as good tossed together in a bowl but I was in a prettifying mood and the half rings of Delicata squash lent themselves to being shaped into a square...I added the red pepper for color and crunch but this could be replaced by some crushed walnuts for an even more autumnal feeling. Either way, sweet squash and herbaceous Italian parsley are a match made in heaven.

1 large Delicata squash

1/2 bunch of Italian Parsley, leaves only, coarsely chopped

2 large shallots, peeled, cut into thin half moons

2 Tbsps olive oil

1 1/2 Tbsps white wine or rice vinegar


Red pepper, celery, nuts, or anything else crunchy as a garnish (optional)

Place the Delicata squash in the microwave for 3 minutes. Turn over and microwave for an additional 3 minutes. Set aside while you cook the shallots.

Heat 1 tablespoon of the olive oil in a skillet. Add the sliced shallots and some salt and cook, stirring from time to time, until the shallots have softened and some of the slices are starting to caramelize. This will take a couple of minutes only over medium heat.

Remove the shallots from the pan, leaving behind the excess oil. Add the remaining oil, the parsley and the vinegar to the skillet and heat until the sauce is bubbling away and starting to thicken a tiny bit, about a minute. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Remove the ends from the squash, cut in half and discard the seeds and pulp. Cut the halves into rings. The skin on Delicata squash is edible so you can either leave it on or peel it off (post microwave it comes off easily).

Either toss everything together and serve, or create a layered salad by topping the squash with the shallots and drizzling with the dressing. Garnish or not - up to you.

1 Comment

Oct 30, 2020

Thanks. Will try the squash in the microwave. That's brilliant !

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