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Winter Slaw

If you want a quick and easy side dish to add some color and crunch to dinner, this winter slaw is a good choice. It takes under 5 minutes to make and is incredibly versatile: though I used red cabbage and fennel (because my mom had just given me some), any combination of crunchy winter vegetables added to chopped cabbage would work. Grated carrot or red pepper would have added some additional color, sliced radishes or daikon additional crunch, shaved kohlrabi or shredded radicchio could have been interesting - whatever your CSA box or store has to offer that week, really.

My instinct was to grate an apple into the slaw for some sweetness or go buy some grapes and throw them in but, in deference to L.'s hatred of all things sweet introduced into savory dishes, I abstained. Too bad he feels that way as he is missing out on some good dishes, and too bad he doesn't feel that way about sweets in general! I did feel that the dressing needed a little hint of sweetness to balance the flavors hence the honey which I did not mention to him and he pronounced the salad delicious.

A little of this goes a long way in the filling you up department, and sliced cabbage grows in volume so - even though these quantities may not look like much - this is scaled to my usual recipe for 4 template.

1/2 head purple cabbage, cored and thinly sliced

1 small bulb fennel, thinly sliced

1 Tbsp tahini

1 Tbsp white miso

2 tsps honey

2 Tbsps red wine vinegar

1 Tbsp olive oil


Combine the cabbage and fennel in a salad bowl.

In a separate bowl, whisk the miso and tahini with the vinegar until you obtain a smooth paste.

Add the honey and olive oil and whisk to emulsify.

Pour over the vegetables and toss well. Salt to taste and adjust seasoning if needed; for example more vinegar if you feel that the dressing is not tart enough.


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