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Tomato and Corn Salad "Fatoush" Style

Yet another excellent summer dinner salad, especially with a piece of cold Baked Chicken with Yogurt-Cilantro-Mint Marinade. Those of you who do not like anchovies can substitute basil leaves - basically you need a salty or herbal taste to balance out the sweetness of the corn.

2 of the ripest beef steak tomatoes you can fnd

2 ears of corn

2 whole wheat pitas

2 Tbsps red wine vinegar

4 anchovies or 1/4 cup basil leaves

1 garlic clove

Salt and white pepper to taste

Take the corn, still in the husk, pass it under running water. While still wet, put the unhusked ears in the microwave and microwave on high for 5 minutes. Let the corn cool down while you prepare the rest of the salad.

Core the tomatoes, half them and slice each half as thinly as you can. Fan the slices out on your serving dish and salt well. Set aside while you prepare the rest of your salad.

Remove the corn from the microwave and put the pitas in their place. Microwave on high for 30 seconds, flip and microwave an additional 20 seconds. Remove pitas from microwave and set aside to cool.

Process the vinegar, anchovies and garlic in the blender.

By now the corn should be cool enough to handle but still slightly warm. Remove the husk and silk from the corn and remove the kernels by cutting lengthwise downwards as closely to the cob as you can. Place the corn kernels and connected pieces on the serving dish with the tomatoes, setting aside approximately 1/3 cup of corn kernels.

Add the 1/r3 cup of corn kernels to the blender and process well along with the ingredients that you have aleady processed. Add some white pepper to taste. Adjust vinegar if you want a more astringent dressing. You can use the dressing as is, of you can pass it through a sieve for a smooth dressing.

Drizzle some of the vinaigrette over your corn and tomato salad.

Break the pita into rough pieces and place on the serving dish along with the tomato and corn.

(*if you use basil rather than anchovies)


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